My previous thoughts on artificial intelligence being utterly useless are not necessarily entirely true. For in being formed, it is an expression from an existing entity, therefore by definition, it is art. But the problem lies therein in the fact that this artificial intelligence has been made to steal the creations of other creators that belong to them by right, unless they should say otherwise. This current dilemma shows a serious lack-of-conviction from the individuals that created these machines, and must be corrected in some way or form before this AI can be properly-integrated as another tool under humanity's belt for them to use wisely.
AI has been doing wonders for the new Beatles mixes, it's nice to finally listen to Revolver without everything being hard panned. AI is amazing when used in this way.
AI has been helpful in separating music and vocals for me; I think it is just the thievery that pisses me off. The complete disregard for creativity in favour of consignment. Yes, deadlines can be understood as a necessary thing for motivation to ensue, but not so much that these deadlines in-turn, make art itself dead.